Coordinator Writing Center English
Coordinator Writing Center English
Are you studying or doing your doctorate and looking for courses on specific topics of academic writing? Then visit our mini-courses! Here you benefit form a variety of offers in order to improve your academic skills in English.
You can enroll in as many mini-courses as your motivation and schedule allow. If there is a specific topic in the area of academic writing in English that you are interested in or want to improve, just sign up for one or more mini-courses:
ILIAS Registration:
Mini-Course Program | SuSe 2025 | Writing Center English
These mini-course offerings are intended for students who would like to begin to write or to develop their existing writing skills, but according to their individual needs rather than in the traditional and semester-long course model. The approximate workload for one mini course is 3 hours (in-presence class/WebEx session + working on in-class/online materials + final assignments).
For a general overview of the mini-course offerings in English in the summer semester 2025:
Mini-Courses | Writing Center English | SuSe 2025 + Course Descriptions.pdf (chronological list including course period, WebEx meeting/in-presence class times and course descriptions)
For more information and registration, please visit the link below.
Mini-Course Program: Registration | Summer Semester 2025 | Writing Center English
You are able to receive 3 credit points for your mini-courses, which you can have credited in the area of interdisciplinary key qualifications (FÜSQ).
Registration periods via C@MPUS for Writing Center: Academic Writing à la carte:
First registration period: February 24, - March 10, 2025
Second registration period: March 13, - March 25, 2025
Open registration period: March 31, - June 2, 2025
Our special course: "Writing Center: Academic writing à la carte" - put together your own seminar with at least seven mini-courses of your choosing (Make sure to log in to C@MPUS).
The enrollment deadline on C@MPUS for the Writing Center: Academic Writing à la carte is June 2, 2025. This is the latest possible date for you to register for the required amount of seven mini-courses of your choosing to fulfill the FÜSQ/Interdisciplinary Key Qualification-requirements in the summer semester 2025.
Further information and registration options can be found on C@MPUS
After your registration on C@MPUS, you will receive all of the necessary information in the Writing Center: Academic writing à la carte ILIAS course (how to register for individual mini-courses, requirements to pass the course).
If you have any questions, please write us an email to:
C@MPUS - Writing Center: Academic Writing à la carte | SuSe 2025
Workshops in 2025. Enroll via the link below:
To enroll in one of the workshops, enter the respective workshop below. If you register, you are expected to attend; otherwise, make sure to free up your spot in due time (at least 2 weeks before the start of the workshop) for one of your fellow colleagues at the University of Stuttgart.
If you only want to check out the course description/information of a respective workshop, just use the "Info" option on the right, and do not register for the workshop.
For each workshop, there are 10-12 spots. If the respective workshop is full, you will be put on the waiting list.
If you cannot attend a workshop or have further questions, please make sure to contact:
Head of the Language Center
Portuguese/Spanish Language Coordinator