The Writing Center at the Language Center promote the scientific writing skills of students and doctoral candidates: In our regular interdisciplinary workshops and seminars, they learn strategies for independently taking the steps of the individual writing process.
As an institute at the University of Stuttgart, you can reserve up to five spots in our regular workshop program for your academic staff.
If you have any questions about our academic writing in English offers, simply contact us: workshop-english[at]
Yours sincerely
1. Controller and data protection officer
Information concerning the controller and data protection officer can be found in the data protection declaration of the University.
2. Description of data
An uncoded email in clear text will be generated from the information you provide in the registration form. In order to contact you via e-mail and process your registration, we need all statements marked with a *.
3. Purpose
The form enables a simplified means of register for the above mentioned course electronically without an email program needing to be used.
4. Legal basis
The legal basis is Article 6 Paragraph 1 Letter e) GDPR together with Article 6 Paragraph 3 GDPR and § 4 of the State Data Protection Act (Landesdatenschutzgesetz).
5. Recipients
Your message is received first by the administration office of the Language Center of the University of Stuttgart and passes on to the person in charge within the Language Center of the University of Stuttgart.
6. Storage duration
The personal data you enter in this form will be processed solely for the purpose stated and will be deleted after the period of processing. The length of time for which the email is saved by the end recipient depends on the process which subsequently takes place.
7. Consequences of non-provision, right of objection and correction
The use of the form is voluntary. You can also get in touch with the Language Center by telephone or personally during the office hours of Dr. Lucy Blaney-Laible.
You are free to provide your name and email address in the form of a pseudonym when entering data, which means that the University cannot assign the information to a person. Should you not wish for your identity to be disclosed, it may then be the case that your matter cannot be processed.
8. Your rights
Information concerning your rights can be found in the data protection declaration of the University of Stuttgart.

Lucy Blaney-Laible
Dr.Head of the Language Center
Portuguese/Spanish Language Coordinator