
Four times a year ... and continuously for workshops

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Current information about the summer semester 2025

  • Final registration from March 31 to April 8, 2025 via C@MPUS, which will be carried out by the Language Center. During this registration enrolled students of the University of Stuttgart can submit course requests in C@MPUS for all courses (FÜSQ and Non-FÜSQ) offered by the Language Center. 
    Employees of the University of Stuttgart can use our course offer free of charge as well! Click here for more information.
  • Current Newes and events are listed under "News and Events".

Course Program in the summer semester 2025

On C@MPUS, the information management system of the University of Stuttgart, the Language Center publishes each semester its regular course program:

You will find further information on the registration procedure in the next section, depending on your affiliation to the University of Stuttgart:


Placement Test before Registration in C@MPUS

  • Your score on the placement test will ultimately decide if you can take a particular course.
  • Placement test for enrolled students of University Stuttgart with access to ILIAS.
  • Info: Not every offered class/language has an online placement test.
  • Please bring the print out of your score to the first class.
  • Students who completed the previous level last semester (or before) should bring their course certificates to the first class.
  • In courses without an online placement test students will usually take a placement test in the first class.

Registration in C@MPUS

  • Registration for (FÜSQ-) courses offered during the lecture period and free-lecture period in the summer semester 2025 takes place from March 31 to April  8, 2025, via C@MPUS.
  • FÜSQ registration in C@MPUS during the FÜSQ enrollment period prior to the start of winter semester (FÜSQ = interdisciplinary key qualification courses).
  • Important general information.
  • Admission in C@MPUS.

After registration has expired

  • Students who have been admitted will be automatically notified by e-mail within one or two days after the registration has expired through C@MPUS. Are you not able to attend the first course session? Please notify either the responsible teacher by e-mail or the administration of the Language Center in this case by e-mail. Otherwise, your place in the course will be given to someone else.
  • Students who have not been accepted won’t receive any notification. The status “Belegwunsch” will still remain in C@MPUS.
  • A list of classes with spaces available along with further information will be posted on the Language Center's Website under the heading News and Events starting on
    • April 9/10, 2025 for one week (regarding courses during the lecture and free-lecture period)
    • Classes with spaces available and offered during the free-lecture period between summer and winter semester are posted throughout the lecture period.

Withdraw from courses

  • Please always withdraw from your course on C@MPUS if you no longer plan to take the course. If you need help, please contact the Language Center by e-mail.

Placement Test

  • Your score on the placement test will ultimately decide if you can take a particular course.
  • Placement test for employees of University Stuttgart with access to ILIAS.
  • Info: Not every offered class/language has an online placement test.
  • Please bring the print out of your score to the first class.
  • Employees who completed the previous level last semester (or before) should bring their course certificates to the first class.
  • In courses without an online placement test students will usually take a placement test in the first class.

Admission to Language Courses

  • Employees of the University of Stuttgart cannot register for courses via C@MPUS. Thus, the following procedures are listed:
    • A list of classes with spaces available along with further information will be posted on the Language Center's Website under the heading News and Events starting on
      • April 9/10, 2025 for one week (regarding courses during the lecture and free-lecture period)
      • Classes with spaces available and offered during the free-lecture period between summer and winter semester are posted throughout the lecture period.
    • For these classes with availability employees contact the responsible teacher directly by e-mail if they have any questions about course places.  The respective teacher will inform you if you are able to attend.
    • The courses are free of charge for employees of the University of Stuttgart.
    • Spaces in the language classes will be allotted according to the following priorities:
      • Students at the University of Stuttgart
      • Employees at the University of Stuttgart
      • Students at the University of Hohenheim, University of Tübingen, Ludwigsburg University of Education, the Staatliche Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst Stuttgart and the Staatliche Akademie der Bildenden Künste Stuttgart.
      • Auditors/Guests (fee each semester)
      • The number of particicpants in each class will vary according to the nature and requirements of each class.

Placement Test

  • Your score on the placement test will ultimately decide if you can take a particular course.
  • Placement test for students from other Universities and auditors/guests: You will get access to the online placement test without any password.
  • Info: Not every class has an online placement test.
  • Please bring the print out of your score to the first class.
  • Students/Auditors who completed the previous level last semester (or before) should bring their course certificates to the first class.
  • In courses without an online placement test studwill usually take a placement test in the first class.

Admission to Language Courses

  • Students from other Universities and Auditors/Guest cannot register for courses via C@MPUS. Thus, the following procedures are listed:
  • A list of classes with spaces available along with further information will be posted on the Language Center's Website under the heading News and Events starting on
      • April 9/10, 2025 for one week (regarding courses during the lecture and free-lecture period)
      • Classes with spaces available and offered during the free-lecture period between summer and winter semester are posted throughout the lecture period.
    • For these classes with availability please go directly to the class you are interested in. The instructor will inform you in class whether you can participate in the class or not.
    • For these classes with availability employees contact the responsible teacher directly by e-mail if they have any questions about course places. The respective teacher will inform you if you are able to attend.
    • After you have been accepted, you must register as auditor with Studium Generale and pay the auditor's fee.
    • If you are not enrolled as a student at the University of Stuttgart, you can still see the course offerings on C@MPUS. You do not need to enter a password.
    • Spaces in the language classes will be allotted according to the following priorities:
      • Students at the University of Stuttgart
      • Employees at the University of Stuttgart
      • Students at the University of Hohenheim, University of Tübingen, Ludwigsburg University of Education, the Staatliche Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst Stuttgart and the Staatliche Akademie der Bildenden Künste Stuttgart.
      • Auditors/Guests (fee each semester)
      • The number of particicpants in each class will vary according to the nature and requirements of each class.

Additional Offerings

In addition to the regular course program of the Language Center, there are further offerings for which you can register, e.g. workshops, DAAD tests etc.

In the following, you will be informed to register for these offerings:

Further Questions

Contact Information


Language Center

Breitscheidstraße 2, 70174 Stuttgart, Germany

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