We have summarized the answers to the most frequently asked questions for you.

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Your questions via telephone or via e-mail are very welcome; however, we would be very pleased if you take a closer look on this webpage beforehand.

Yes, you can if you are a registered student or employee of the University of Stuttgart.

We have listed all important information for a language test in English on the website "Examinations".

  • Our regular course offer is published Up-to-date via C@MPUS (Campus-Management Portal of the University of Stuttgart). Information about registration ist listed up on this webpage.
  • Special courses and Workshops for employees of the University of Stuttgart are also offered by the Language Center.

The Language Center is located at Breitscheidstraße 2 in Stuttgart, ground floor and first floor.

Further courses take place on Campus Vaihingen.

Information on registration can be found on the following website: Registration information

For registered students of the University of Stuttgart in C@MPUS.

The following website provides you with the relevant information.

Until further notice, most courses will be offered free of charge for employees and students of the University of Stuttgart. Some courses are subject to fees. These courses are clearly identified as fee-based.

The Council of Europe has created the so-called European Reference Framework (CEFR) for language learners and teachers, which aims to make the transnational comparability of linguistic qualifications transparent and to facilitate the mutual recognition of linguistic qualifications. The CEFR defines 6 levels of competence:

  • Basic User: A1 and A2
  • Independent User: B1 and B2
  • Proficient User: C1 and C2

If you have been admitted to one or more courses at the Language Center (registration information), please register as a guest student at the Studium Generale of the University of Stuttgart as soon as possible.

C@MPUS provides you with all relevant course information.

You will find a detailed description on the login page of the ILIAS learning platform.

  • Registered students of the University of Stuttgart are able to generate the course certificate directly in C@MPUS.

  • All other course participants (employees of the University of Stuttgart, students from other Universities, guest auditors) can request a course certificate by using the online form - provided that the prerequisites are fulfilled.

On the Website English Newsletter you will find all issues of the Newsletter "English Revisited: Tips, Tidbits & Tutorials".

If you wish to receive future issues of our newsletter directly by e-mail, you will need to subscribe to it. Only those who have signed up will receive our newsletter in the future. A subscription is free of charge.

Contact Information


Language Center

Breitscheidstraße 2, 70174 Stuttgart, Germany

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