Key Qualifications

Languages are basic key qualifications. Most of the courses offered by the Language Center are recognised as key qualifications. Of course, credits can also be earned in courses where methodical, communicative, intercultural, personal and social skills are taught. A successfully completed course in this area is a plus point with every application.

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The Language Center of the University of Stuttgart offers training in two areas of competence, which are classified as key qualifications: 

  • Training of linguistic skills and communicative competences, and
  • Training of intercultural competences.


Particular attention is paid to the methods and principles of mediation. Action orientation, learner autonomy, project orientation and a steep progression characterise the university courses. Digital forms of teaching are increasingly being used in addition to the face-to-face courses. Blended learning courses are very well received and contribute to the economy of time and resources. Various formats such as mini courses and workshops are constantly being evaluated and further developed. Tandem learning - language, social and intercultural tandems - round off the variety of methods.


Intercultural and Communicative Skills

Further information can be found on C@MPUS. Follow the link below.


Academic Writing - Writing Center

Help, advice and courses on scientific writing in German and English. Theses in the Bachelor's or Master's programme or seminar papers - no matter which faculty you are studying at, no matter whether you are writing a thesis or are already working on your dissertation, in the Writing Center you will receive targeted help and advice.

Writing Center

Contact Information


Language Center

Breitscheidstraße 2, 70174 Stuttgart, Germany

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